” Satiric
graphic of Azim Azimzadeh”
Author: Bayram Hajizadeh
Baku 2011. 500 copies. 200 pages.
The creativity, productive and effective activities of Azim Azimzadeh, who
had unpa-ralleled services in the deve-lopment of the satiric graphic
considered as an integral part of Azerbaijani art, who was a founder of the
national car-toon have comprehensively been presented in the book. The book
published in Azer-baijani language has been ap-proved by the Ministry of
Education of Azerbaijan Re-public as a textbook. The study of the heritage
of Azim Azimzadeh, who was one of the brightest pages of the satiric
graphics of Azerbai-jan with the history more than a century, bears
particu-lar importance as to full acquisition of Azerbaijan and world
cartoon history by young art critics. The readers have had opportunity to
get acquainted with the book illustrations, posters and 341 works created in
the cartoon field by the artist